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visual pathway, 2, occipital cortex, v5 (in humans), simple cells, boundary of broadmans area 17&18, v3, optic chiasm, ipsilateral, 6 layers, where pathway, very distinct layers, vip, area and type of response, 6, parvocellular, lip, layer 4b, off center on surround, lateral geniculate nucleus, topographic map of the retina, v4, parvocellular, mst, te, v1, visual pathway , primary visual cortex (striate cortex), left hemisphere, right temporal hemiretina, movement sensitve, 5, rvf right visual field, 7a, blobs, top four layers, retina, some broadband color cells, nasal pathway, interblobs, receptive field, hypercomplex cells, inferotemporal cortex, mt (v5 in humans), calcarine sulcus, 2, highly sensitive to color, 1, interstripes, complex cells, on center off surround, what pathway, 1, pulvinar nucleus (thalamas), thich stripes, 5, temporal pathway, lgn lateral geniculate nuclei, right hemisphere, large receptive fields motion sensitive sensitive to low contrast, parietal cortex, v2, many terminate with 'doubly opponent' color cells., 3, calcarine sulcus, v2, thin stripes, hubel and weisel, visual information between areas, 4, lgn's principle projection site., lvf left visual field, small receptive fields require higher contrast motion insensitive respond to color sustained, tonic response, left nasal hemiretina, 6, pd, bottom two layers, optical stimuli, occular dominance colums, secondary visual pathway, brodmann's area 17, contralateral, orientation selective cells, magnocellular, the maque monkey, macroscopic level, cells show no orientation selectivity, teo, v1, cortex, 3, thalamus, mt, preserve precise spatial information, receptive field, superior colliculus (midbrain), v3, magnocellular, geniculo-cortical projections (optic radiation), visual system, retonoptic maps visual areas, 4, v4, po, microscopic